
Mac OS X Bug and Workaround to Open a “file:” URL with Parameters from Command-Line

Mac OS X Bug and Workaround to Open a “file:” URL with Parameters from Command-Line

Testing the PLC3000 project requires opening HTML files by a web browser. Indeed, PLC3000 is developed using PharoJS. Its code is written in Pharo, before getting transpiled to JavaScript and exported to a JS files referenced by HTML files. Developing PLC3000 in a TDD fashion, I quickly faced an issue. I realized that it is […]

Castle Dice Tower with Moveable Gate 3D Printed

Castle Dice Tower with Moveable Gate 3D Printed

This dice tower was designed by LennartS, and published on Thingiverse on April 01, 2015. It prints as a single part including the moving gate. It took me 15 hours to finish the print. I used a sunlu silk PLA filament, that has this smooth shiny finish. Although there was no stringing, some fine elements such […]

Bird Feeding House Mixing Wood with 3D Printed Parts

Bird Feeding House Mixing Wood with 3D Printed Parts 3D Printed Bird Feeding House for Gardens

Birds populations have been severely plummeting for many decades in a row. According to recent studies, we have lost about 30% of of breeding birds, compared to the 1970’s. The goal of this DIY project is offer a solution to balance this decline. By feeding the birds during winter, we can help them survive the […]

Fighting COVID-19: Maker Projects that Can Make a Difference

Fighting COVID-19: Maker Projects that Can Make a Difference COVID-19 Virus Pandemic

This is a selection of projects and initiatives to make solutions to to tackle the Covid-19 outbreak. Please note that most of them are uncertified biomedical devices. Still, they are likely to be helpful, and maybe life-saving, since there is a shortage in many hospitals around the globe. Laser Free Face Shield This face shield […]

Multisolving the Climate Change Has Short-Term Benefits Too

Multisolving the Climate Change Has Short-Term Benefits Too Multisolving climate change has both short-term and long-term benefits

I believe this TEDx talk by Dr. Elizabeth Sawin (see video below) deserves more attention from everyone interested in fighting climate change. Dr Sawin introduces Multisolving, which stands for solutions that address multiple problems at the same time. She discusses some obstacles to an international agreement at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP). She […]