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The Traveling Book: A Metaphor for Spreading Knowledge

Books are more than just objects bound in paper and ink; they are vessels of knowledge, entertainment, and inspiration. Yet too often, books end up gathering dust on shelves, their stories silenced and their wisdom untapped. What if we reimagined the way we treat books? What if books could "travel" — moving from one reader to another, creating a chain of shared experiences and spreading knowledge like wildfire? This is the concept of the traveling book. The Spirit of the ...

ROS2 with Python and YAML: A Step-by-Step Guide from Creating a Workspace to Running Multiple Nodes

If you’re diving into the world of robotics with ROS2 (Robot Operating System 2), setting up a solid foundation is crucial. A well-organized workspace and properly structured nodes are the backbone of any successful ROS project. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned developer, this guide will walk you through creating and managing a ROS2 workspace, setting up packages, implementing nodes, and leveraging launch files effectively. Outline:

WebST: Web Components with Smalltalk @ ESUG 2024 in Lille – France

The 30th edition of the ESUG international conference held in Lille, France, 8 - 11 July 2024 was a blast. Beside, meeting the great the Smalltalk community, I gave a talk introducing WebST. This MIT licensed project is a PharoJS-based solution that provides a framework to seamlessly implement and test web components.Web Components are standard web technologies that support the definition of reusable custom HTML elements. This JavaScript API allows defining both the view of web components as well as their behavior ...
Zürich Smalltalk Group Meetup Spring 2024

2024 Spring Smalltalk Meetup @ Zurich

The 2024 spring edition of the Zurich Smalltalk meetup took place on Friday, April 26th. Below, you'll find a brief summary and links to the three presentations that were on the agenda. I thoroughly enjoyed attending this meetup, which featured engaging presentations and allowed for enriching technical and informal discussions with a welcoming community. Special thanks to Peter Ursprung and Michal Balda for organizing this event. I've already marked my calendar for the next Smalltalk meetup in Zurich on October 18th ...

Highlights from the Zürich Smalltalk Meetup November 10th 2023

On November 10th, 2023, the vibrant city of Zürich played host to a gathering of Smalltalk enthusiasts. Organized by the ever-dedicated Peter Ursprung, this fall's meetup featured four talks that delved into the depths of Smalltalk's versatility and its modern applications. To top it off, attendees had the pleasure of enjoying some fine wine, adding an extra layer of conviviality to the event.1. Agile Artificial Intelligence by A. BergelA. Bergel took the stage to explore the hot topic of Artificial ...

Byte Magazine’s Legacy: Unraveling the Smalltalk-80 Revolution

In the dynamic realm of microcomputing, Byte Magazine emerged as a beacon of innovation during the late 1970s and throughout the 1980s. This influential publication not only chronicled the technological zeitgeist but also played a pivotal role in shaping it. Byte Magazine's comprehensive editorial coverage became a cornerstone for tech enthusiasts, providing insights that resonated through the corridors of computing history. I've just learned from the podcast that a treasure trove of Byte Magazine issues from 1975 to 1995 ...

Pharo Networking by Example

On March 8th 2011, I gave a hands on talk on Pharo Networking.  It was part of the Deep into Smalltalk sprint school organized by RMoD team from INRIA in Lille, France.  You can find below slides are available on SlideShare. There is as well a 3 parts video from Youtube, although the audio is not so great.Most of the content from the talk is still valid in the latest version of Pharo. But, I suggest to use the NetworkExtras ...
ESUG 2022 PharoJS Highlights

PharoJS Highlights @ ESUG 2022

After a two years pause due to COVID, ESUG conference is back. This year's edition took place 22-26 August in Нови Сад (Novi Sad), Србија (Serbia). As usual, it was a delight to meet the Smalltalk community. It was also an opportunity to present latest updates on PharoJS, give demos and even implement new stuff as summarized in the following. Outline

Client-Server Application Development with PharoJS

PharoJS is a free open source infrastructure that allow developing and testing in Pharo applications that ultimately run on a Javascript interpreter. It is a general purpose solution that can target a wide range of applications, running in a web browser, on top of NodeJs or packaged in cross-platform mobile apps using some framework such as Apache Cordova.During the 2022 edition of the Pharo Days, I gave a talk presenting  latest work of the PharoJS team. It addresses web applications ...

Getting Rid of Chemical and Carbon Waste from Batteries – A Maker’s Perspective

Many devices we use daily rely either on batteries that we need to replace more or less often. Beside the economical cost, this is a source of toxic waste. Using rechargeable batteries does not help much. Rechargeables are more expensive, and they eventually die and go to waste.There are some possibilities to recycle batteries. Still, recycling is not 100% perfect. There is always waste generated. Besides nasty chemicals, CO2 is emitted by the recycling process, contributing to climate change. This ...
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