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Observer Design Pattern implementation in Pharo

Observer Pattern Made Easy with Pharo Lightweight Observer

Lightweight Observer is an alternative to Announcement, the default Pharo  implementation of the Observer Design Pattern. I started developing Lightweight Observer because I needed a small framework, with an implementation that can be easily converted to Javascript using PharoJS. I also wanted to be straight forward to use. I had in mind beginners such as my students who often struggle when faced with many concepts and entities. This is why by default, the Lightweight Observer generates code behind the scene ...
arduino projects for cats

Arduino-Based Toys for Playful Cats: 3 Week-End Projects

In this selection of simple week-end projects, we target our furry friends. We provide a selection of three cool DIY projects using Arduino boards. Cats will love these electronic toys. They will cost you only few bucks, for hours of fun and laughter with your pet. Checkout the videos. They are hilarious!The first project is basically a ball hide and seek game. You hide some balls around and the cat has to go fetch them (see Video 1). Once a ...
farmers market pharojs mobile app

Farmers Market App: Find Fresh Locally Grown Food

If you care both about the planet and your health, the Farmers Market app is for you! This app allows you to find nearby markets, where you can buy fresh food directly from farmers. Most of the produce are grown locally. This means less fuel for transportation. So, by buying locally grown food you contribute to reduce CO2 emissions. You can even exercise: just walk to the market or ride a bicycle! The Farmers Market app makes eating healthy rime ...
Green Web Server

Green Websites: Solutions for a CO2 Free Internet

Green websites is the way to go for a carbon free Internet. By going green, content providers will contribute to fight climate change. The impact will be significant since the Internet energy consumption is ever growing. The communications industry could use 20% of all the world’s electricity by 2025, hampering global attempts to meet climate change targets and straining grids as demand by power-hungry server farms storing digital data from billions of smartphones, tablets and internet-connected devices grows exponentially. -- ...
smartphone Gps App New York

iOS Current Location Usage Description in Cordova

Providing a clear location usage description is critical to have your iOS app approved. With the default settings of the Apache Cordova location plugin cordova-plugin-geolocation, your app is likely to be rejected by Apple. I experienced this first hand with the iOS version of the Farmers Market app. Apple reviewers sent me the following message: Guideline 5.1.1 - Legal - Privacy - Data Collection and Storage We noticed that your app requests the user’s consent to access their location, but ...
Large 3D printed pharo lighthouse

How to Make a Large Lighthouse Using a Cheap 3D Printer

As a Pharo addict, making a 3D printed lighthouse is a fun week-end project. This idea is even more attractive. It's a project that goes beyond what can be done using a small 3D printer, with a single extruder. The requirement are the following:
  • The lighthouse can be taller than the maximum printing height.
  • The height should be easy to change, without a CAD sofware.
  • Combine at least 3 colors.
  • Minimize wasted  time and  filament in case of a ...

Robots To Collect Garbage Floating in the Water

A loft of plastic litter (bottles, bags...) end up in harbours, marinas and canals. WasteShark, a robotic boat by a Dutch company (Rana Marine) takes care of collecting this floating waste. The robot behaves the shark whale style to clean urban waters. Video 1 shows WasteShark in action. Video 1 shows WasteShark in action Plastic pollution is a very problem dramatic as shown in Video 2. Unfortunately, the WasteShark robot can't cope with rough waters. There is however another the ...
DIY 3D printed humanoid robot

Open Source 3D Printed Humanoid Robots

In this post we give an overview of major open source humanoid robots. Existing ones are interesting and seriously compete with the pre-built closed robots such as the Nao. One surprising conclusion is that going the open source route does mean cheap. Indeed humanoid robots have many degrees of freedom. Usually more than 20 servo motors are required. However, those are robots that are mainly used for reaseach. Hobbyists can downsize the robots, and customize their shape to use fewer ...
arbotix dynamixel servo with arduino

ArbotiX-M: The Arduino Compatible Board for Robots with Dynamixel Servos

The ArbotiX is an open hardware (GPL 3 license) Arduino compatible board that can control up to 30 Dynamixel servo motors. It is ideal for building robots of various kinds (Legged robots, Robotic arms, ...). In the following, we provide you with a detailed description of the ArbotiX-M board and its characteristics. Our code samples will help you quickly make your first project. Outline:
3 simple yet coool robotic week-end project

3 Super Simple Robots for Weekend Projects

Robotics is of great fun. But, making robots can take very long time... Or maybe not. Checkout the selection of videos below we have gathered for you. Those DIY robots belong to the so called BEAM Robotics. Robots made along this philosophy are based on simple analog circuits with inexpensive and more often scavenged parts. Video 1: Toothbrush Robot (HexBugs Clone) Video 1 features a robot similar to the famous hexbug nano that we have discussed in a previous post ...
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