Search Results for: pharo

Noury Bouraqadi

Noury Bouraqadi

I am a software developer, maker, repair hobbyist, environment/technology/robots lover. I work part-time as a university professor at IMT Nord Europe, in northern France, Lille area. My remaining work time is dedicated to nootrix startup editor of PLC3000 a SaaS dedicated to teaching PLC programming & factory automation. You can learn more about nootrix in […]

PhD Students, Post-Docs, and Research Engineers from my Team

PhD Students, Post-Docs, and Research Engineers from my Team nootrix: learn, code, make

I’ve been lucky to conduct my research with many smart people. I list below those for whom I served as doctoral co-advisor, as well as those who worked as post-doctoral fellows and research engineers in my team. PhD Students Dr Houssam Fakih Topic: Software Components & Aspect-Oriented Programming PhD defense date: December 12th, 2006 Dr […]

Mac OS X Bug and Workaround to Open a “file:” URL with Parameters from Command-Line

Mac OS X Bug and Workaround to Open a “file:” URL with Parameters from Command-Line

Testing the PLC3000 project requires opening HTML files by a web browser. Indeed, PLC3000 is developed using PharoJS. Its code is written in Pharo, before getting transpiled to JavaScript and exported to a JS files referenced by HTML files. Developing PLC3000 in a TDD fashion, I quickly faced an issue. I realized that it is […]

Brain Treats App: Your Daily Dose of Fun Facts!

Brain Treats App: Your Daily Dose of Fun Facts! Brain Treats App Your Daily Dose of Fun Facts

Want to get smarter while having fun? The Brain Treats app is for you. You will learn astonishing facts and real amazing anecdotes. It works even if you are offline. Energize Your Brain with Fun Facts You can use the Brain Treats app if you are alone and bored, to energize your brain. A single […]

Polygon-Based 2D SLAM for Robotic Exploration

Polygon-Based 2D SLAM for Robotic Exploration polygon-based SLAM algorithm for robotic exploration

Johann Dichtl successfully defended his PhD, that I’ve co-supervised with Luc Fabresse and Guillaume Lozenguez. The defense took place this tuesday July 2nd, 2019 morning. The jury members were: Prof. Ouiddad Labbani from Université de Limoges, Dr. Mikal Ziane, HdR, from Université Paris Descartes, and Dr. Laetitia Matignon from Université Claude Bernard, Lyon 1. Title […]


About Noury with Sunglasses

About Noury Bouraqadi Bio Why this Site? Code of Ethics How to Reach Me? Bio I am a software developer, maker, repair hobbyist, environment/technology/robots lover. I work part-time as a university professor at IMT Nord Europe, in the Autonomous and ResilienT Systems group. My remaining work time is dedicated to a startup that makes a SaaS […]

Farmers Market App: Find Fresh Locally Grown Food

Farmers Market App: Find Fresh Locally Grown Food farmers market pharojs mobile app

If you care both about the planet and your health, the Farmers Market app is for you! This app allows you to find nearby markets, where you can buy fresh food directly from farmers. Most of the produce are grown locally. This means less fuel for transportation. So, by buying locally grown food you contribute […]

How to Make a Large Lighthouse Using a Cheap 3D Printer

How to Make a Large Lighthouse Using a Cheap 3D Printer Large 3D printed pharo lighthouse

As a Pharo addict, making a 3D printed lighthouse is a fun week-end project. This idea is even more attractive. It’s a project that goes beyond what can be done using a small 3D printer, with a single extruder. The requirement are the following: The lighthouse can be taller than the maximum printing height. The […]