Noury Bouraqadi

I am a software developer, maker, repair hobbyist, environment/technology/robots lover. I work part-time as a university professor at IMT Nord Europe, in northern France, Lille area. My remaining work time is dedicated to nootrix startup editor of PLC3000 a SaaS dedicated to teaching PLC programming & factory automation. You can learn more about nootrix in the dedicated page.

My academic research targets mobile and autonomous robots from two complementary perspectives:

  • Software Engineering (SE):  I study software architectures, languages and tools for modular and agile development. My main focus is on dynamic reflective languages, and more specifically Pharo and JavaScript through PharoJS.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): I study coordination and cooperation in robotic fleets. I am mainly interested in communication models as well as emerging or predefined organizations for multi-agent robotic systems.
My SE Lecture in Lego 🙂

More About Me

PhD Students, Post-Docs, & Engineers

I’ve been lucky to conduct my research with many smart people. You can find here a list with those for whom I served as doctoral co-advisor, as well as those who worked as post-doctoral fellows and research engineers in my team.

Getting in Touch with Me