Tag: Pharo

Observer Pattern Made Easy with Pharo Lightweight Observer

Observer Pattern Made Easy with Pharo Lightweight Observer Observer Design Pattern implementation in Pharo

Lightweight Observer is an alternative to Announcement, the default Pharo  implementation of the Observer Design Pattern. I started developing Lightweight Observer because I needed a small framework, with an implementation that can be easily converted to Javascript using PharoJS. I also wanted to be straight forward to use. I had in mind beginners such as […]

Farmers Market App: Find Fresh Locally Grown Food

Farmers Market App: Find Fresh Locally Grown Food farmers market pharojs mobile app

If you care both about the planet and your health, the Farmers Market app is for you! This app allows you to find nearby markets, where you can buy fresh food directly from farmers. Most of the produce are grown locally. This means less fuel for transportation. So, by buying locally grown food you contribute […]

How to Make a Large Lighthouse Using a Cheap 3D Printer

How to Make a Large Lighthouse Using a Cheap 3D Printer Large 3D printed pharo lighthouse

As a Pharo addict, making a 3D printed lighthouse is a fun week-end project. This idea is even more attractive. It’s a project that goes beyond what can be done using a small 3D printer, with a single extruder. The requirement are the following: The lighthouse can be taller than the maximum printing height. The […]