Tag: Arduino

Fighting COVID-19: Maker Projects that Can Make a Difference

Fighting COVID-19: Maker Projects that Can Make a Difference COVID-19 Virus Pandemic

This is a selection of projects and initiatives to make solutions to to tackle the Covid-19 outbreak. Please note that most of them are uncertified biomedical devices. Still, they are likely to be helpful, and maybe life-saving, since there is a shortage in many hospitals around the globe. Laser Free Face Shield This face shield […]

Arduino-Based Toys for Playful Cats: 3 Week-End Projects

Arduino-Based Toys for Playful Cats: 3 Week-End Projects arduino projects for cats

In this selection of simple week-end projects, we target our furry friends. We provide a selection of three cool DIY projects using Arduino boards. Cats will love these electronic toys. They will cost you only few bucks, for hours of fun and laughter with your pet. Checkout the videos. They are hilarious! The first project […]

ArbotiX-M: The Arduino Compatible Board for Robots with Dynamixel Servos

ArbotiX-M: The Arduino Compatible Board for Robots with Dynamixel Servos arbotix dynamixel servo with arduino

The ArbotiX is an open hardware (GPL 3 license) Arduino compatible board that can control up to 30 Dynamixel servo motors. It is ideal for building robots of various kinds (Legged robots, Robotic arms, …). In the following, we provide you with a detailed description of the ArbotiX-M board and its characteristics. Our code samples […]

A Robotic Elevator using Lego & Arduino – Part 3

A Robotic Elevator using Lego & Arduino – Part 3

Part 1: Mechanical Design Basics. Part 2: Balancing the Elevator. Part 3 (current): Electronics (optocoupler, H-Bridge, and more). Part 4: Software to control the Arduino. In the first two parts of this series, we have introduced the mechanics of our Lego-based elevator and we discussed how to balance it to lift some load. Today, we […]