WebST: Web Components with Smalltalk @ ESUG 2024 in Lille – France

The 30th edition of the ESUG international conference held in Lille, France, 8 – 11 July 2024 was a blast. Beside, meeting the great the Smalltalk community, I gave a talk introducing WebST. This MIT licensed project is a PharoJS-based solution that provides a framework to seamlessly implement and test web components.

Web Components are standard web technologies that support the definition of reusable custom HTML elements. This JavaScript API allows defining both the view of web components as well as their behavior. Web component custom tags can encapsulate the view in a “shadow” DOM tree. This supports creating web pages combining different web components from different sources while avoiding collisions.

Thanks to PharoJS and SeasideWebST leverages the full power of Pharo Smalltalk the open-source pure object-oriented programming language and its rich set of tools and libraries. By delving into practical examples, we demonstrate how WebST facilitates the implementation and reuse of web components. Moreover, for production purposes, WebST generates web clients with standalone HTML and JavaScript code. Check out the slides below.

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