Brain Treats App: Your Daily Dose of Fun Facts!
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Want to get smarter while having fun? The Brain Treats app is for you. You will learn astonishing facts and real amazing anecdotes. It works even if you are offline.
Energize Your Brain with Fun Facts
You can use the Brain Treats app if you are alone and bored, to energize your brain. A single finger tap will show you something new. You never know, that might lead you to your next big idea, or next passion.
Excellent Ice Breaker
Instead of just small talk, fire the Brain Treats and share with friends an amusing, interesting story. This can be a good ice breaker, and trigger an enriching exchange of ideas with people you meet.
- A lot of fun facts that make excellent brain treats
- Different users get different facts at random
- Works offline without WiFi, even in plane mode
- Button tap to show a new surprising fact
- Swipe left to display previously read facts
- Swipe right for the next fact or get a new unread one
- Share facts with your friends via your favorite messaging app or social media
- Navigation performed using smooth transition effects
- Side menu with information and
- Cool background image
- Multicolored circular progress on loading

Brain Treats relies on the following free/open-source resources. Many thanks to their authors who made this app possible.
Software Frameworks
- Icons made by Smashicons from
- Background photo by Fabrice Nerfin on Unsplash
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