About Noury Bouraqadi


I am a software developer, maker, repair hobbyist, environment/technology/robots lover. I work part-time as a university professor at IMT Nord Europe, in the Autonomous and ResilienT Systems group. My remaining work time is dedicated to a startup that makes a SaaS for teaching PLC programming & factory automation: PLC3000.
My academic research targets mobile and autonomous robots from two complementary perspectives: Software Engineering (SE) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).  From the SE perspective, I study software architectures, languages and tools for controlling individual robots. I mainly focus on reflective and dynamic languages, and more specifically Pharo, for a modular and agile development of robotic software architectures. From the AI perspective, I study coordination and cooperation in robotic fleets. I am mainly interested in communication models as well as emerging or predefined organizations for multi-agent robotic systems.

I’ve been lucky to conduct my research with many smart people. You can find here a list with those for whom I served as doctoral co-advisor, as well as those who worked as post-doctoral fellows and research engineers in my team.

Why This Site?

As a father, I am very concerned about the planet and the challenges faced by humanity. I also strongly believe that technology is the only way to make any significant change on a global scale (see Video below). This is why I made this site to spread technical knowledge, based on my expertise in computer science and robotics honed since the 1990’s. To do so, I organized this site in two complementary parts:

Technology is a gift of God. After the gift of life, it is perhaps the greatest of God’s gifts. It is the mother of civilization, of arts and of sciences.

Freeman Dyson

Code of Ethics

Doing good is not enough. The way to do it is important too. This is why this site is 100% ethical. By this I mean:

  • 100% independent. I view my readers as friends or students who deserve my best most objective content.
  • 0% tracking. No third party cookies, no Google analytics, no Facebook pixel, to preserve the privacy of this site visitors.
  • 0% invasive or hidden advertisement.  Ads if any are clearly labelled as so, and truly related to the content.
  • Favor open-source software. I spend a significant part of my time contributing to free open-source projects such as PharoJS.

How to Reach Me?

  • I am located in northern France, in Lille area.
  • Follow me on Twitter.
  • Follow me on LinkedIn.
  • Find my scientific papers on my Google Scholar Page.
  • Send me a direct message using the form below